Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Silk Knot dolls. Knotted Dolls. Waldorf first doll.

I love going back to basics; sometimes it gives me peace and lets me embrace what is happening, enriching even further what I'm living at that moment.

In a couple of weeks my oldest daughter will be 20 years old!  It’s incredible how time past... thinking about her and the years I've had around this time considering about  birthday presents  I remembered one of the first ones I made for her, a knot doll!
This has been the inspiration for my next project.

Knot dolls

 They are the simplest and most wonderful dolls!  

They are one of the first toys to place in your baby’s cot when they are around 3 months. They are soft and squashy.

Sometimes adults feel that the doll is not finished because there is only a well formed round and hard head but no eyes or mouth and only a suggestion for limbs. This is precisely why they are so perfect for babies in their developmental stage.

"Because the young child is not fully conscious of its own body, 
what it is most aware of in itself and others is the head. 
Thus a knot doll with a large head is quite recognizable and satisfactory for the young child" 
You are your child's first teacher by Rahima Baldwin Dancy

“The doll emerging from soft bundles of fabric is a mirror of the child’s own movement from babyhood to becoming a child “
 Kinder dolls by Maricirstin Sealey.

Young children of 2 or 3 years old are also sometimes attracted to this kind of dolls. They are wonderful to hold and cuddle.

Because the doll is so simple I would encourage every parent to make one for their child (there are a few tutorial on the web that you can try).

When making this doll, you'll establish a relationship with the doll, I am sure you will put much care and love, this you should keep for the child then will be able to imitate and learn about these qualities.

Please, use natural materials; silk is best for babies if possible.

If for any reason you can’t make it, these ones on the photos have been made by me with lots of love and joy. 

You can buy them on my Etsy shop:

 Warm wishes,
