Saturday 7 February 2015

The Little Match-Seller

"It was terribly cold. Snow was falling and soon it would be quite dark; for it was the last day in the year -New Year's Eve. Along the street, in that same cold and dark, went a poor little girl in bare feet..." 
by Hans Christian Andersen

Still sharing a little more about my last work.
 Beth asked me to made some puppets from the story of The Little Match-Seller. It's Lulah favorite story at the moment, she went to see it at the theater just before Christmas and the story has been told to her many times since.
I made the Little Match-Girl and the Grandmother. 


The idea was for Lulah to receive them on her birthday and on the day of the party, Beth would tell the story using the dolls.

It was beautiful, we all enjoyed it very much! 

 For Lulan's friends, Beth asked me to made 16 small Little Match-Sellers.


 After watching the puppet show, I invited the children to come and decorate a match box which was covered  in white paper.
 They were amazing, they made beautiful pictures, all different, all individual.
 And we put them at the foot of the puppet show table.

Before they went home they collected their boxes. 
The Children were asked not to open them until they were home.
 A few have a little peek and were delighted to tell me there was something inside!!! 

 It has been a wonderful journey 'Lulah's Seven Birth-Day'.
I feel bless and grateful for it.
Thank You!



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